
I’m Miriam  Neff,  and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money


M A fact today, true in the past, is that financial fluctuations are a reality.  Todays inflation rate is 4 percent.  Do these fluctuations matter?  For sure!


V Our spending plan must flex.  When rents go up, we must reduce other expenditures to provide for our housing.  If we own our home and the value goes down, below what we still owe, it’s called being ‘under water.’  Not a good thing.  What is the most important thing we can do in times of fluctuating financial realities?  KNOW IT.  Pay attention


M While that’s the first step, the next is to flex to accommodate reality. Sooner rather than later.  This is not a time for auto pilot, keep spending beyond our income.  Time to flex. 


Resilience Inflation


Slack Hand