Conflict in Marriage # 3

I’m Miriam  Neff,  and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money


M  We’ve been talking about resolving financial conflict in marriage.  Remember likely each comes from different financial environments regarding money talk.  We suggest that agreeing on guiding financial principles is important.


V To agree to spend less than is coming in is biblical. Agreeing to that principle and praying together for God’s guidance is a prayer He’ll always answer.  We talk in our book Wise Women Managing Money about discretionary and non discretionary spending.  Even before marriage communicating about principles and each persons expectation is important.


M  But it’s never too late to start, if you did not have those discussions before marriage.  Simply agreeing on spending less than is earned is an important foundation. An agreement that is biblical.  


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Conflict in Marriage # 2