Financial Pitfalls - Baby Boomers
I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money
M Valerie and I are in different stages of life. I call myself ‘vintage’ a baby boomer. My financial realities, including temptations, are different from hers. We vintage folks can be tempted to hoard fearing health crisis or just habits of frugality beyond what matches our reality today. We even hang on to our stuff.
V I’ve watched you, Mom, as you’ve loaded up to donate stuff you have not used. It’s hard. But think. This could benefit someone else meeting their need. Does that item bring you joy? Might a picture capture the memory rather than keeping that object?
M Where your treasure is, there will your heart be Matthew 6: 21. Stuff requires care, time, repairs that consume us rather than eternal treasures.