Growing In Generosity

I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money.


M Scripture is clear.  We are to be generous, gladly generous. II Corinthians 9: 6, 7.  Comparing what we have to others who have more is a sure way to crush any generous spirit.

V Instead focus on how God has blessed YOU. Just thinking of that can steer us toward contentment and turn our thoughts to others that need our generosity.

Our hearts have to be others focused.  But we need more than just the desire to be generous.  We need the means to do so.  I would tell anyone, don’t wait until you are wealthy to exercise generosity.  You can do this in even small amounts.

M Lacking resources?  Give your time and talents.


Prepared To Give


Growing More Generous