Helping Family - Members

I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money.


M The Bible has rough words about those that do not provide for their family.  But it also has advice in Proverbs about accommodating fools.  We need to discern when our family members need help, and when we are just helping someone act foolish and enable bad behavior. 


V We have been clear with our children: when they are moving forward doing positive, God honoring things, we will help give their efforts “rocket boosters,” but if they are making decisions and taking actions that tear down the walls of their own life or lives of others, we will not help move even one brick.


M I know it’s hard.  Mama’s heart strings. Dad’s desires to see success.  We need to help, not enable.


Helping Family - Parents


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