Spend less than you bring in
I’m Miriam Neff with Wise Women Managing Money-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan
M We all like simple sayings that are easy to remember and true. We add, more importantly biblical.
V One of ours is this: Spend less than you bring in. It’s biblical. Establish your field, your income, before you build you house or tent. Proverbs 24: 27. Don’t make commitments, credit card debt, purchases on time, that you cannot cover. We know this is counter cultural. Even our government does it. Everyone has debt. Why not do what everyone else does?
M But we are Christ followers. Our contentment is in Him, not our stuff. Spending less than you bring in might mean hard changes. Pray for His wisdom and help. He has solutions you have not imagined. That’s a prayer He will answer.