Exploiting and debt vulnerability 

I’m Miriam Neff with Wise Women Managing Money-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan

M  Scripture tells us not to exploit a brother or sister  I Thessalonians 4: 6.  This means don’t take advantage of someone in order to profit for ourselves.  Who are those who are vulnerable to exploitation? 

V  Those who have debt.  They are tired of the tension of debt, the costs of a low credit score.  They are tempted to grasp at attractive options.  Payroll loans, smooth talking, offers to share costs, spread them out type options. We just need your bank information.

 Folks the solution is this.  Don’t take on debt. Rarely is it justified. A home mortgage yes.  With the limits of your income. 

M Do the diligent work to reduce debt. Debt free is indeed freedom. 


Do not be afraid

