Teaching teens about money # 2

I’m Miriam Neff-with and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan with Wise Women Managing Money

M It’s important for parents to teach their children about money. 22 states do not require students to take a financial literacy course. That’s ok.  Families are responsible, not schools.  As Christ followers, generosity matters.  It is unlikely that schools would teach the biblical principle of no debt. 

V As they earn money, whether babysitting, pet care, or umpiring children’s sports, putting that money in their own bank account is important.  They learn confidentiality, no comparisons, and the satisfaction of seeing their account grow. Important!  They are learning, in order to have money, you need to work and earn money.

M Disruptions in employment and learning location can be stressful. Take it as a family opportunity to adjust spending and communicate.


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Teaching teens about money