Your real spending plan
I’m Miriam Neff-with and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan with Wise Women Managing Money
M Are you thinking that you don’t have a spending plan? Actually, you do. You just don’t know it. OK, discovery time. Record everything you spend over a 6-month period. Housing, mortgage and repairs, or rental fees. Insurance, coffee drive through, golf balls, cosmetics, smart phones.
V Do you have children? School fees, shoes, the list is endless and grows as they grow. Now look at that record. Whether on paper or spreadsheet, your spending plan is staring at you. You might say, rather than intentional, your plan is accidental. Now you know that reality, now own it. This is your personal behavior. The most important question next is this. Is it God honoring?
M God’s principal is that we spend less than we earn. And we invest in Kingdom purposes not just ourselves.