Moms working outside the home

I’m Miriam Neff-with and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan with Wise Women Managing Money

M Among married couple families, two thirds of mother’s are employed. In our family, I was one of the few moms who worked outside the home.  This is a family decision for sure with many factors weighing in.  Obviously, this results in more family income.


V One sure result of this decision is a time crunch on household and family tasks. Tackling the increased family income together is important. Can some tasks be ‘outsourced’ to help with the time crunch? Household cleaning help might be an energy saving, stress reducing investment.

Online shopping is an option.


M While an important reason for me was to be salt and light as a believer in public high schools, another was more generosity, and interesting work stories for my family. 


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