Suddenly Money

I’m Miriam Neff and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan with Wise Women Managing Money.


M Some families use December as a time to give wealth to their children.  Gifts of fifteen thousand per person can be gifted with no tax consequence. 


V This can be a good thing.  Parents can see how their children spend that ‘suddenly money’ gift. It’s a good teaching time, setting the example of tithing, and enjoying seeing the recipient enjoy the gift.  While reducing a later inheritance, living needs may be important earlier rather than later


M One of the best gifts to give is example.  Demonstrating living within your budget, no matter your season of life, giving accountably to places where money is well stewarded, not wasted, these are gifts that can’t be wrapped in a bow.  But are priceless.


Blended Families


Widows And Poverty