The necessity of a will

I’m Miriam Neff,  and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money


M We repeatedly state that every person should have a will. Its biblical.  Why?  Because everything we oversee, is God’s on loan for us to steward wisely.  What will happen to those resources when you leave for Heaven?


V If you do not have not will, a court will decide where your assets go.  From your assets, you pay three lawyers, whom you did not select, nor do they share your values.  One represents the state, one represents you.  And the presiding judge makes the final call. 


States vary.  Some split proceeds among relatives based on a formula.  Will each of those relatives use what they receive in God honoring ways?


M A will is a must.  A small cost to create. A good steward, stewarding it forward. 


The importance of a trust


Money matters