Moms in the workforce # 2

I’m Miriam Neff,  and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money

M  Approximately half of moms with children under 18 are employed full time.  Whether It’s a personal decision or a necessity, one thing is sure: we can’t do it all. 


V Get over the guilt that, ‘my children will suffer loss of what I can’t do.’  How about, ‘look at the value of learning to do your own laundry.’  Grade school children can organize their own clothes.  Junior Highers can be introduced  to the washing machine. It’s an important time to revisit the family spending plan.  Mom’s new paycheck is not without additional expenses.


M  Some tasks simply won’t happen. Some expenses will grow.  Transportation and wardrobe.  Child care for youngsters. If married, these are shared discussions.  Much prayer needed. Remember, It’s God’s to steward.


Marriage or remarriage


Moms in the workforce