Families And Heart Strings
I’m Miriam Neff with WWMM and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan.
M What pulls your heart strings? Likely your family, their wants, wishes and needs. There’s a big difference between those three. Consider your children. What do they want, wish for, and need?
V Shoes for sure. My three sons were all three sport athletes. Yes, wrestling, rugby, and soccer cleats. But name brand? Not necessary. Hand me downs, at times.
Then there’s smart phones, name brand clothes and variety, variety, variety. It’s a good time to teach children that comparisons are not your family value. Stewardship, character, accountability, we have values that are not dictated by others or cost.
M Heart strings tug but must not control. Someday our grown children will benefit from our values, not comparisons.