Finances marriage # 2
I’m Miriam Neff with Wise Women Managing Money-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan
M Unity in marriage with finances starts with shared values. It’s vital that both acknowledge that it’s all God’s, money, living space, surplus, on loan for us to steward. When husband and wife don’t share this value, struggle is ahead.
V Since it’s God’s, we steward with biblical principles. Family provision, giving to Kingdom work, sharing with those in need. Getting this right brings unity and comfort in marriage. Work is a necessary beginning. Those paychecks set the parameters for spending. Our culture declares that debt is a resource for living expenses. Not biblical. The10/10/80 starting principal is a good one. 10 % to Kingdom purposes, 10 % savings, and 80% for living expenses.
M Agree on that simple beginning.Work, live within that income honoring God first.