Other People’s Money

I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money

M A highly paid NFL quarterback published a book about how family members thought he was their ATM.  With hands out asking for money to repair things---that never got repaired--the most outrageous was his mother asking him one million dollars he owed her for raising him. 


V He details his mistakes sharing uncomfortable family stories hoping others avoid the mistakes he’s made.  Authors of The Millionaire Next Door, Stanley and Danko refer to this as those dependent on Other Peoples’ Money or OPM.  They also speak of folks dependent on EOC, Economic Outpatient Care.   


Scripture is clear that we should work and support ourselves, not accumulate debt, and not take other peoples money.


M  Following God’s plan would stop the dependence on Other People’s Money and Economic Outpatient Care.


Other People’s Money 2


Kingdom equity/How do you spend it?