
I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money.


M ‘Hoarders’ is a popular TV show.  Why?  Because we all have stuff we could do without.  We dust, walk around, move it to a new closet or different stack.  Three points of advice:  Love it, Leave it, or Fix it. 


V Do you love it?  Appreciate and accept that it had its place and its day.  But still?  That’s a must answer question.


Leave it:  donate, regift, find it a new home or possibly discard it.  (How many times I’ve laid ‘junk’ by the street and it’s gone before the trucks arrive.)


Fix it:  If there’s truly life in that object but it no longer functions--fix it!  Discovering the cost of repair may move it to the ‘leave it’ pile.


Simple is better, my friend. 


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