Life Insurance #2

I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money


M One option for many in providing for their family is life insurance.  In addition to covering costs of celebrations of life and burial, financial provisions lessen the likelihood of poverty for young families and widows.  Women typically live longer than men.


V Researching online is a good place to begin. Determine what needs you want met.  Be careful of choosing life insurance and high premiums rather than consistent savings well invested.  Typically, a combination of term insurance and money saved and invested wisely is the most economical provision for those you love. 


M Beware of considering life insurance a savings plan.  The accompanying costs usually don’t support that.  Consider carefully, don’t wait, provide for those you love. 


Myths About Wealth


Life Insurance #1