Storing Stuff 1
I’m Miriam Neff with Wise Women Managing Money and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan.
M What do you value? Our hearts reveal that. Where our treasure is there our heart will be. Matthew 6: 21 Consider that 1 in 11 families rent storage units. It’s a 37-billion-dollar industry. People visit their storage unit’s once or twice a month. Most renters are women.
V Storing for a good purpose honors God. Joseph stored grain for his people with famine ahead. The foolish man built more barns to store for his future pleasure. Luke 12: 18 Storage units are neutral. What matters is our heart, our ‘Why.’
M Ask yourself, Do I need it? Could it bless someone else? After all, it’s all God’s on loan to us. Pray, He’ll direct. And invest in what’s eternal. That matters.