When you should fire your financial advisor
I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money
V We’ve talked about several tips regarding a financial advisor you should NOT hire. What if you have one already? How do you know when you should change that person?
If they are not acting as a fiduciary, when they dismiss your input, don’t give you details, and don’t take time to get to know you.
M If you are widowed or divorced, knowing your husband does not count. Your desire to grow funds may be different, your risk tolerance, and your current and future financial needs may have changed. A little, or a lot.
V It can be wise to follow the advice we’ve given. Interview at least three, vet them, give them homework. What they would do with a specified amount, investments, and costs. Matthew 25. We want to be that commended steward.