Existing credit line

I’m Miriam  Neff,  and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money

M A frequent banking gimmick that will pop up when  checking your bank account is this.  “Use your existing credit line for what you need.”  Temptation! Acquire now what we cannot afford.  Delayed gratification is rare today.  Solution, save and see if it’s important when you’ve cash in hand. 


V  Do you need a new car?  Different car?  Consider options.  Cars are expensive, not just cost: insurance, parking, repairs, gas. 


Additional clothing?  Clothing closets today are huge compared with 60 years ago.  Work wardrobes require different clothes with different costs.  It’s amazing how frugal we can be when we pay cash instead of swiping that card. 


M God gives us richly all things to enjoy I Timothy 6: 17. Using what He has entrusted to us is the best joy. 


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