Fraud Prevention Email


I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money. 

M Sadly a common way to waste money is to be taken in by a scam.  Here’s an example.  I received an email stating I was being charged over &1,000.00 for an item I had not ordered.  I needed to call a number to dispute. 

V Thankfully you did not.  Their graphics imitated a common method for payment.  This is a ‘hit the trash’ moment.  Some may call you directly.  We recommend only answering known callers.  Others can leave a voice mail.  Most scammers do not.  So do not respond to texts or emails from unknown sources.

M Remember our ‘Why.’ Remember its all God’s on loan to steward as He directs, not as scammers want.


Fraud Prevention Affinity Connection


Source of Money News