Fraud prevention


I’m Miriam  Neff,  and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money 

 M Fraudsters target isolated people.  I’m contacted regularly by widows who are targeted in their grief.  I say “Do not respond, answer the phone, agree to meet.”  Period.

 V Make sure you have a trusted person with common sense, who has your back for feedback.  Let them know this ‘offer’ and its details.  Also make sure you have a financial planner you have vetted, is recommended by people you know and trust, and who listens to YOU.  Your needs, questions and concerns.  Invite a trusted friend to go with you for meetings with lawyers, financial planners, and any other meeting.

 M An old tv show American Greed captured the problem.Greedy fraudster. Vulnerable target.Usually their ‘too good to be true’ offer is fraudulent.


Fraudsters and isolation


Fraud Prevention Affinity Connection