Money Talk


 I’m Miriam  Neff,  and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money

 M  One reason financial literacy is lacking is that we rarely talk about money.  Family talk?  Is money in our conversations?  We talk about fitness, healthy eating.  Lots of topics.  If you are a woman, its more unlikely that you talk with others about money.

 V Money is not a taboo topic in Scripture.  After love, its the second most referenced topic.  Start with basics.  Talk about habits of spending less than is coming in.  That’s why parents say “No’ until the money is in house.  Don’t just set the example.  Explain the reason.

 Only 14 states mandate a personal finance class in high school.  Is that class going to teach biblical principles.  Of course not.

 M. Start the conversation.Talk financial fitness.Gods’ way.


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