Watching generation Xers


 I’m Miriam  Neff,  and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money

 M  It’s surprising to hear that generation Xers are among the most financially savvy people in the U. S. Some think of them as trend chasers, yet these consumers are taking control of finances at an earlier age than other generations. 

 V They grew up with personal computers, are resourceful, and most are good at maintaining a work-life balance.  They share one characteristic with Millennials (26-41 year olds)  They are frugal with their money.  Both generations will work harder and be loyal to a company if they have flexible schedules.

 M We’re encouraged by this.They grew up during tumultuous economic times and learned frugality watching their parents. That’s a good thing.


Watching generation Xers # 2


Elections and money