Resilience Inflation # 3

I’m Miriam  Neff,  and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money


M Inflation is a given in most years.  Small or large, it means money does not go as far.  Quick change is a must.  And just as important is this principle.  It’s all  God’s entrusted to us.  That’s motivation to be wise during times of inflation.


V Having that 3-6 month reserve is always important.  Given inflation, it’s vital for a successful spending plan.  We can quickly change food budgets, but not eliminate them.  We can hit the pause button on clothing purchases, except for growing children. We can shop at donation centers. Previously used is still useable.  Entertainment can be simplified. 


Making those changes takes a bit of time and that reserve carries us as we adjust. 


Conflict in Marriage


Resilience Inflation # 2