Conflict in Marriage

I’m Miriam  Neff,  and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money

M Money and marriage can be like water and oil, not a good mix.  Often cited as the second most likely cause of divorce, the topic is worthy of discussion.  How can financial conflict in marriage be overcome?


V Start with open communication.  Talk time not when you are tired or hungry.  Focus on partnership.  How can we do this together?  Listen to each other.  What spending habit’s are similar, shared, and which not so much.


It’s OK to have separate budgets for personal expenses.  Hobbies like golf, memberships for fitness. It’s OK to simply agree that each has some personal discretion thats a good thing. 


M Start with shared beliefs and what can be agreed on. A good foundation for future discussions.


Conflict in Marriage # 2


Resilience Inflation # 3