Money talk before marriage

I’m Miriam  Neff,  and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money

M Are you contemplating marriage?  One vital area to address is finances.  In two words, here it is:  Full disclosure. 


What debt does each have? What credit rating? What expectation for financial freedom?  Whether that first marriage, or marriage after widowhood or divorce, this is vital information. Is either spending more than they earn?


V Why know this before marriage?  Because each of you is a steward of all God has entrusted to you.  Matthew 25.  How has each of you been doing?  Marriage does not change habit’s, or past facts. 


If communication is hard now, marriage does not change that news. If full disclosure does not happen, marriage should not happen.  Some churches offer classes premarriage that can be helpful. 


Money talk before marriage # 2


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