Money talk before marriage # 2
I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money
M Money talk before marriage is vital. Consider this scenario. What if diligent saver discovers the new spouse comes with a dowry of debt? Trouble for sure. Debt status, credit score, and spending habit’s need to be known before marriage.
V The second largest cause for divorce is finances. Marrying hoping love conquers all is not a fact with finances. Scripture advises that we not be ‘unequally yoked’ in marriage meaning marrying an unbeliever.
Continuing the visual, in marriage the couple needs to be pulling in the same direction, finances included. Consider, before marriage taking a class in finances. Better to know sooner rather than have surprises later.
M Marriage requires compromise for sure, but starting out pulling in the same direction helps.