Women entrepreneurs

I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money


M Did you know that 186 million dollars in profit come from women owned businesses in the private sector?  Women who own and run their own businesses are growing in numbers and profit’s. 


V This should come as no surprise.  All are made in God’s image, and designed to work and be productive.  Consider the Proverbs 31 woman.  An overseer of others, traded in real estate, and expensive garments. traveled to purchase what she needed. And was praised for her diligence. She had a great work ethic, was wise, and generous.  An example for us all. 


M More important than initiative or profit margin is stewardship.  Good stewardship has its own rewards. Matthew 25.  It’s all God’s for us to steward wisely. 


Wise business women


Vetting a contractor