09 Ordinary Spending Plans

I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money.


M One important aspect of our lives, whether single or married, young or vintage is that ordinary spending plan.  Not glamorous, social gathering talk topic, even family talk topic.


V Yet our spending plan is incredibly important.  That budget, check book, credit card report, non-discretionary and discretionary demonstrates whether we are following biblical principles, honoring God, or focusing on ourselves.  Money and things are the second most referenced topics in Scripture after love.  Is it easy to create?  Probably not.  Couples need to compromise, flex and change.


M Is this worth the effort?  For sure.   Peace of mind that we are living within our means—a blessing.  Being generous with what God has entrusted to us—satisfaction for sure.  Honoring God—vital.


10 God’s Partnership 1


8 Rating Your Life Values