Harvest For Others

I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money.


M When resources are tight, income shrinking or becoming stagnate, Scripture has wise advice for all of us.  We are to till our field (earn) and then build our house (spend less than we earn) But what about that family who is struggling more than we are?


V Scripture instructed those owning and harvesting their fields to leave the edges of grain standing. If some falls on the ground as the sickle sliced through, leave it for others. The owner gained all the grain from the harvest they brought in. Those who were poor, displaced, without resources, could go through and gather the edges and what had fallen.


M Note.  People looked out for those less fortunate.  And those folks put effort into collecting what had been left for them.



