
I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money.


M Verna Oller is a name few recognize, but her home town remembers her.  With little education, an hourly wage job, she left 4.5 million to her home town.  She insisted that her wealth be kept secret until after her death.  How did she do it?  She was a shrewd investor and lived frugally.  She cut her own hair, replaced broken shoelaces with strips of zipper, and chopped her own wood even in her 80’s.  She traveled and studied stocks.


V She had one focus--improving her home town.  They were to build a swimming pool and provide improvements for education in Long Beach, Washington. 


We’re impressed and challenged.  What do we spend and why?  What legacy matters?  Our investment is in heaven.  However, what are our priorities here?


Finances Shaking


Harvest For Others