Famine 3

I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money.


M There’s talk of food shortages, not just in other countries, but here at home.  We need to remember, our country, our land, farms and all, are not ours.  I Chronicles 29: 11 They belong to God and He has entrusted us to steward all of our country wisely. 


V This provides motivation for us to look at policies that restrict production.  Why?  Because if we have more than enough, we can help other countries that produce less.  Generosity has been a biblical mark of our country.


This also provides motivation that we personally have that 3 - 6 month reserve in our bank account.  If prices increase, we can better cover necessities.


M And even share with a needy neighbor when we can.


Troubled Times


Famine 2