Troubled Times
I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money.
M Troubled times are here again in our nation. What impact does this have on us as Christ followers? We are prone to anxiety, wanting to know what’s ahead. Will we be OK?
V Let’s accept the challenge that in troubling times, we are to be different. Our culture pressures us to love surplus. She or he who dies with the most stuff wins. Oops no. After this life, surplus does not earn Heaven.
Our culture pressures us to always know outcomes for our financial actions. Christ followers are not spared crisis of health or wealth. Yes, we plan. Proverbs 21:31, Prepare your horse for battle, but the victory is the Lords.’
M A wise financial plan is something each of us can create. But guarantee? Only Heaven is for sure.