Financial Fears – Top 5
I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money.
M Research reveals people’s 5 greatest financial fears. The top 3 are unexpected financial emergencies, unemployment, and not having enough for retirement.
V Each of them are addressed in Scripture. Earn and then spend. Save for the unexpected, and trust God for our future. Do each of these require action on our part? Yes. Be productive. Work as unto the Lord, Colossians 3: 17. Be flexible. Tent making was not the Apostle Paul’s first profession. But he could provide for himself after a great life transition. Develop a new skill. Retirement? Again, that’s an expectation, with lots of room for flexibility.
M God created us with the ability to change. Work, spending habits, and most importantly honoring God following his financial guidelines.