
I’m Miriam Neff with Wise Women Managing Money-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan

M Upheaval in our life, whether small changes, or large, even events that shake our country require that we adjust.  And our finances are usually impacted.  From job changes to investment fluctuations, we must pivot.

V To have had our 3-6 month savings to cover costs proves to be important.  We must pivot.  Higher transportation costs at the gas pump, higher energy costs. Can we change how many miles we drive.  We can lower the thermostat or raise it.  Do we pivot and face backward and not change?  Or do we face forward and adjust our spending plan to our new reality. 

M God created us to be flexible creatures. Upheaval requires it.  We can adjust because He stands with us to help us. 


Upheaval/pivot # 2


Life is a gift