Upheaval/pivot # 2

I’m Miriam Neff with Wise Women Managing Money-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan

M  Finances are tied to the events in our lives.  Some are known and expected, some speed bumps, even shocking.  It’s not just our jobs and spending, but international quakes and unrest.

V What is most important? Our confidence in our Lord for provision.  We follow biblical principles.  Earn and then spend.  Even following biblical principles does not guarantee financial provision from the sources we’ve been trusting.  Pause and reevaluate. Pivot and look elsewhere for solutions.  But keep facing God and laying our needs before Him.

M One benefit of upheaval is that the source of our trust is in full view.  A company paycheck?  Good weather for a bountiful crop?  Investments that we thought were dependable?  We learn again that God is our provision.  And with Him we are content. 


Upheaval/pivot # 3

