Upheaval/pivot # 3

I’m Miriam Neff with Wise Women Managing Money-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan

M We have seen more than one unexpected event impact us. A deadly virus, Covid 19, followed by war, one country trying to claim more territory.

V The impact of both has been serious in so many ways.  Without minimizing their deadly impact, we can say that few have NOT been impacted financially.  Our productivity, health care costs, for Covid.  International unrest is costly for energy whether home or in our vehicle.

We advise hit the pause button.  Evaluate our spending plan.  What can we trim?  What must we increase in our budget?

M Our most important activity during our pause time is prayer.   Reminding God and ourselves that He is our provision is most important. Asking for wisdom is a request He always answers. 


Preparing for the future. 


Upheaval/pivot # 2