Do finances impact marriage
I’m Miriam Neff-with and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan with Wise Women Managing Money
M Do financial matters impact marriage? For sure. Money is the number one issue in arguments, and the second most important reason for divorce. Consider this before saying “I do.”
V 63% of marriages start out in debt. Know that person’s financial reality before committing to marriage. 74% of couples planned to go into debt for their weddings. Soooo Trouble already. It’s important before marriage for full transparency on debt, credit score, and all things financial.
Is it all about the money? Rarely. It may be about power, secrecy, control, and simply poor communication. Know these before that commitment.
M Beware of expecting that marriage will change that person. Marriage won’t, you won’t. Marriage is optional. Following God’s principles, required.