Spenders and savers

I’m Miriam Neff-with and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan with Wise Women Managing Money

M What are some of the most impactful decisions on your financial reality.  Number 1 for sure is being a Christ follower.  Following biblical financial principles—vital.  Next is deciding to marry, and of course deciding who you will marry. 


V It’s helpful to know before making that marriage decision whether that person is a spender or a saver.  You need not be identical.  If so, one of you is unnecessary.  But know that inclination.  That will be a necessary topic of conversation and even conflict.


M  Careful listening matters.  “What is important to you about that vacation?’  “Help me understand why that savings plan is so important to you?” Unity will not magically happen.  Talk, listen, and pray. 


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