Finances In Marriage #3

I’m Miriam Neff with WWMM and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan.


M Shared values in marriage are great glue and unity when finances are strained.  As newlyweds on a getaway weekend, Bob and I talked about children and life.  We discovered we shared a deep value for life, for every baby born.  We decided at that lake side, God willing providing jobs and health, we would both have and adopt children. 


V They had to work to pay bills and had health to parent. These were necessary.  They had four children.  My two adopted brothers brought an amazing adventure to our family.  Larger living space, more groceries, growth spurts, bigger shoes, I know that you and Dad had to be frugal not just in the season of one paycheck, but until our days of independence. 


M Talk early, talk often, what values do you share?  Unity lessens conflict. 


Single Parenting And Money #1


Finances In Marriage #2