Single Parenting And Money #2

I’m Miriam Neff with WWMM and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan.


M Being a single parent brings unique challenges.  Single moms have less income than single dads.  Planning needs to be strategic and consistent. 


Meeting with a group of single moms, most said they struggled financially.  While child support may be a wish, it may not be reality.  Facing the fact of real income is vital. 


V One temptation they shared was giving up and just running up credit cards.  It’s hard. We address this in our book Wise Women Managing Money.  Cut up the cards and only buy what you can pay for with cash. Tough for sure.  Oatmeal, not sugar-coated cereal. Thrift store clothes, no smart phones.  Remember your goal: being a good steward and honoring God. 


M You are setting a vital example for your children. And others too. 


Single Parenting And Money #3


Single Parenting And Money #1