Financially Stressed #2

I’m Miriam Neff with WWMM and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan.


M Recent research revealing that 70% of Americans feel financially stressed also reports that credit card balances are rising, and delinquency rates are increasing. In fact, in one year, household debt levels surged by $38 billion. 


V Does Scripture address this? For sure. In few instances is debt o.k.  Very directly Psalm 37: 21 states, ‘The wicked borrow and do not pay back, but the righteous are generous and keep giving.”  Sounds harsh, however know the intent: borrowing with no intent or possibility of paying it back is theft. 


M That’s motivation for cutting up credit cards.  We are required then, to only spend what we have.  A wake-up call for sure, but necessary to not be throwing money away paying those high interest rates.


Financially Stressed #3


Financially Stressed #1