Family Talk & Money pt. 1


I’m Miriam Neff-with Wise Women Managing Money, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan.

M Money is the second most frequent topic in Scripture after love. Do we talk about money in our families? Not much. In fact, some aspects might be taboo.

V Money is a thread through every families history whether spoken or invisible. Money might influence vacations and some memories. How families spend, puts what we believe in plain view. A recent post of National Christian Foundation lists 5 questions every family can examine just to start the money conversation. The first is most important. Who really owns the things you have?  I Chronicles 29 and Psalm 24: 1.

M That foundation shapes every aspect of a family’s money.  What would God like to happen with what he has entrusted to us?


Family Talk & Money pt. 2


Dividend Stock Investments