Family Talk & Money pt. 4

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I’m Miriam Neff-with Wise Women Managing Money, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan.

M  Few families have discussions about money.  Fear of being open is likely to promote misunderstandings, even problems and confusion along the way.  Sadly, death, and what happens related to stuff has resulted in relatives never speaking again.

V  Talk early about your values, including creating a family purpose statement.  If you’ve accumulated some wealth, what do you hope to have happen with that wealth?  Proverbs 30: 8—10 Are we trusting in what we have, or our Lord?  What is a reasonable lifestyle?  How do we plan to transfer wealth?  Or do we even have a plan?

M  Admission time.  I did not think these through carefully until years into my widowhood.  Learn biblically, think carefully, and have those family talks.


Family Talk & Money pt. 5


Family Talk & Money pt. 3