Storing stuff # 2

I’m Miriam Neff with Wise Women Managing Money-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan


M The word ‘store’ is found 78 times in Scripture.  God has a storehouse of blessings He wants to give us.  We store ordinary things.  Rental storage units are popular in our country.  There are good reasons to store stuff:  moving, marital changes, extra tools for work, that storage unit is practical.


V Storing is to be temporary and for a good reason.  Needed soon but not now.  Stuff depreciates over time. Scripture emphasizes that we trust God for our future.  Luke 12.  God provides for birds! That assurance helps us hold our stuff lightly.  It’s all His on loan.  Is it in a place that is useful?  Keeping our attention and dollars unnecessarily?


M There’s much contentment in simple living.Less means more time for other things than caring for stuff.


Monitor your budget


Storing Stuff