Monitor your budget

I’m Miriam Neff with Wise Women Managing Money-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan

M We recommend regularly examining your budget.  As you record each expense, examine.  What areas are going up and what down?


V  Utility costs up? Food, car insurance, internet?  If you have a floating mortgage, home equity rate, or debt, those costs may increase.


Revisit your wants versus needs with a creative eye.  Do you need the internet and TV bells and whistles.?  Cable entertainment?  Eating out?  Dressing up?


We can’t guarantee you an easily balanced budget.  But good stewardship brings peace of mind.


M We also see God providing in unexpected ways. He sees more than your budget.He sees your heart, your motivation.All resources are His.He can deploy them with efficiency that we can’t imagine.


Taxes and giving


Storing stuff # 2