Obligation versus motivation
I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money
M Pause a moment. Consider this. How much of your shopping list this Christmas is obligation? “They expect it.” “We always give that person something.” (Though they may be much removed from our life.) Or, I obligate myself because I want to be liked, look a certain way. Perception.
V Scripture admonishes us to give to God cheerfully, wholeheartedly. It’s all His anyway. Should the principle not be true for gifts for others? Am I cheerful about getting into debt because of obligation? Do I wholeheartedly embrace the importance of that specific gift to that person?
M As busy as the season can become, pause. Contemplate your lists and activities. What is my heart here? What does God see here? That’s what matters.