I’m Miriam Neff, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, with Wise Women Managing Money
M I grew up on a poor farm. Here are a few of my memories of Christmas. Colored paper strips to make chains for our tree. And threading popcorn to hang. Gifts were a few pencils and/or new socks
Our church group baked cookies to take to “shut ins’ as they were called then. We sang at bedside to older folks. Often their only response was a single tear.
V. Mom’s plethora of ornaments she gives us each year is over the top.But her memories remind us, it’s not the cookies that matter, it’s the song, the visit.The pandemic is in the rear view mirror, yet many are lonely.Think what would be meaningful to those we know.A phone call, homemade cookies, just letting them know, we remember.